Consulting Engineers, Architects & Planners

Environment & Socio-Economy

Environment & Socio-Economy

Environmental impact assessment has become one of the important factors in current planning studies. SARM’s services comprise all aspects of environmental engineering and planning. In a number of assignments the firm has been responsible for assessment and evaluation of positive or negative impacts on the existing natural environment that the construction of the projects will have in the natural habitat, agriculture, Flora and fauna, hydrological system, pollution hazards, navigation, road network and drainage structures etc.

In the field of Socio-Economic Studies, SARM’s related technical man-power
are well conversant with various stages of conceptualization and

implementation of data- based field research including preparation, pre-
testing and finalization of Questionnaire, training of staff conducting the

field surveys, sampling of villages, pre- census of households, data
collection from primary and secondary sources, data processing and
analysis, tabulation and preparation of reports. Completed works under
this sector include:

  • In-depth Monitoring of the Project ‘‘Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (BWCSRP) Component-B: Strengthening Hydrological Information Services and Early Warning Systems (SHISEWS) (1st Revised)”
  • Re-settlement Plan & Socio-Economic Survey of Project Affected Peoples (PAPs) of the By-passes and Re-alignment under Second Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project.
  • Benchmark Socio-Economic Survey under FCD-IV Project and FCD-III Project.
  • Basic Study on the Present situation of the Previous Grant Aid Project for the Bridges in Bangladesh
  • Socio-Economic Survey for Evaluation Studies of Karnafuli Irrigation Project.
  • Shaheednagar Socio-Economic Survey for Housing Development.
  • Preparation of Feasibility Studies under Phase I, II & III of 100 Thana Intensive Rural Work Programme.
  • South West Rural Development Project (RWP component)
  • Analysis of Benchmark survey data under Extension Research Project in North Western Region of Bangladesh.
  • Integrated Agricultural Development Project in Kushtia, Jessore and Northern Faridpur District.
  • Benchmark Survey on Coconut and Study of the Assessment of credit requirement for coconut cultivation.
  • Study on land mortgaged to private money-lenders in 3 Thanas of Noakhali District.
  • Survey of Farmer’s Attitude towards HYV/Improved Cereal Seeds in 6 Thanas of Khulna Division.
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