
Under this Sector the works undertaken by SARM covers all the major aspects detailed to Urban, Rural & Industrial infrastructures development. Works done include detailed existing land use survey including topographical and flood characteristics of the area, collection of socio- economic and demographic data, determination of study area based on future potential development, detailed plan for development of urban areas identifying suitable locations of respective zones, circulation network, social services and determination of future land requirements depending on the projected size of population and physical development patterns. Major projects in this sector are:
- Second Urban Governance & Infrastructure Improvement Sector Project (UGIIP-II) of LGED funded by ADB, KfW, GIZ & GoB.
- Detailed Landscaping Design, Estimate & Feasibility Study for the Preparation of Beautification and Modernization of Shahid Captain Monsur Ali Park at Rajshahi.
- Construction of Port Facilities in order to prevent unauthorized encroachment of the Buriganga River and its foreshore Land of BIWTA.
- Planning and Designing of Various Infrastructure and Utility Plans and Components with Ancillary Works for Purbachal New Town Project of RAJUK.
- Preparation of Master Plan for Nilphamari Pourashava.
- Land-Use Plan for Netrokona Zila Shahar, Madan and Mohanganj Upzila Shahars, Gaibandha Zila Shahar and 3 Upazilas in Gaibandha and 5 Upazilas in Jessore Districts.