Consulting Engineers, Architects & Planners

H. M. Abdul Matin
Educational Qualification
H. M. Abdul Matin
M. Sc. in Geo-Technical Engg., UK – 1983.
B. Sc. in Civil Engineering, RUET – 1972.
Engr. H. M. Abdul Matin heads the technical and financial management of the firm. He has extensive diversified experience in overall project management, planning and implementation of large number of projects in Roads and Highways Department under the Ministry of Communication, Govt. of Bangladesh.
- He has been responsible and deeply involved in wide range of civil engineering assignments which include field surveys and hydrological investigations, road embankments, bridges and culverts, protective works, bituminous roads and river training works, office and residential buildings, preparation of estimates, specifications, tender documents and contract award services. Among other tasks, he was responsible for Construction Supervision of Steel Truss Bridges over many important rivers.
- He retired as the Chief Engineer, RHD. As Project Director (Additional Chief Engineer, RHD) he has successfully completed the Third Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project (RRMP-III) financed by World Bank. This was the largest project in RHD costing about Tk.2500 crore. Dhaka-Sylhet Road Project was one of the major components of the project.
- He was also Project Director, Sylliet-Tamabil-Jaflong Road Project (KFAED), Additional Project Director, RRMP-III (WB), Project Manager, RRMP-I (Phase-I).
- He has worked as Project Co-Ordinator (Additional Chief Engineer, RHD) CPIL. He has also experience in management of Training Centre Research and Testing Laboratory.
- He has foreign and local training in various fields such as, procurement, management, construction and maintenance of Feeder Roads etc.